C-Rx Cream - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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C-Rx Cream



150 ml

Where to buy:

product withdrawn from the offer


Rosemary Extract

Ginger extract

Sea Buckthorn extract

Medical Primrose extract


D-panthenol (provitamin B5)

Green tea

Vitamin E



cellulite, body shaping

How to use:

Use cream twice a day (morning and evening). Thoroughly rub it in place with cellulite, which increases its absorption through the skin.

C-Rx Cream

As opposed to public belief, the characteristic orange peel-like symptoms of cellulite do not only concern women. They appear more and more frequently on the skin of men and children as well. The retention of accumulated substances (fat, waste material, water) remain in the connective tissues. The removal of these substances can be greatly supported by the active agents of C-Rx Cream.

Nutritive active ingredients: sea-buckthorn and primula are nutritive active agents that have been known and used with predilection for millennia. Bisabolol and provitamin B5 (D-panthenol) have calming and regenerating effects. Green tea is an excellent antioxidant, which promotes the defense of skin against free radicals.

Special application: for maximum effects, it is highly important to introduce the active agents to the cells with proper technique. Problem areas require special massage-treatment. Apply twice daily (in the morning and in the evening), possibly after shower. Massage it vigorously into the problem area with circulatory movements, increasing absorption and congestion by doing so. Before application, alternating cold-warm shower, rubbing with loofah sponge (or with a rough towel), sauna, infrasauna may also boost the beneficial effects of the cream.

Recommended period of external treatment
As for all every lasting success, treating cellulite requires due determination and persistence. Even if we lead an adequate way of life and apply the proper treatment, the process may last as long as 3-6 months, moreover we should not forget that in case of susceptibility post-treatment and maintaining treatment may be required.

Attention !

  • For external use only! Avoid contact with eyes.

  • Do not use it in case of allergy to the ingredients! In case of dermatological problems, ask for your specialist’s prior opinion. Not to be used during pregnancy and lactation!

Keywords: C-Rx Cream, Calivita, CRX, cellulite, orange peel, body shaping


How C-Rx Cream can help you?

What is cellulite?
Cellulite acts upon our connective tissues whose build-up involves a special process.
It is composed of various fibers, interfiber matrix and cells, moreover it is abundantly interwoven with nerves, capillaries and lymphatic vessels.
Lymphatic vessels’ function, among other things, is to dispose of unnecessary water and excreta. The connective tissue cells also contain fatty cells, usually located in a group, cell bundle type formation.

The bundles are surrounded by connective tissues, forming a cell system.

If the fat cells, congested toxins, slack fluids overgrow the cell system, small swellings can appear becaming more visible with time. The inflated fat cells put pressure on blood and Lymphatic vessels, the circulation deteriorates, and metabolism also slows down. That’s why skin containing cellulite is generally feels colder.

The cellulite has three degrees:
1. The first degree: little holes are seen only when the skin is pinched
2. The second degree: when lying the skin feels ’normal’, when standing the change can be noticed.
3. The Third degree: both in lying and standing conditions the little holes can be seen.

What can we do against cellulite?
Appropriate hydration:Consumption of at least 2,5 l of liquids per day (preferably water) is mandatory. If treating an existing cellulite, at least 3 l of liquid per day is recommended.
Alcalizing: Ionized alcalined water can serve as an excellent solution since it helps alcalizing, a process of outstanding importance in fight against cellulite. (We recommend: CE0003 Aquarion)
Active lifestyle: is also of key importance. An improved muscle to fat ratio helps support a decrease in cellulite
Avoid: drinks containing caffeine, alcohol and sugar, as well as every kind of refined food.
External treatment: to eliminate second and third stage cellulite, CaliVita C-Rx Cream is already indispensable, but of course it may help combat first stage cellulite as well. It is a great help in external treatment.

So we need an effective external-internal complex treatment, in which we must be uncompromising.

In what does the success of external treatment lie?

Shape your body with CaliVita C-Rx Cream!

Active ingredients, which stimulate blood circulation: rosemary and ginger extract, which enhance local blood circulation. They enable the removal of accumulated waste materials and boost nutrient and oxygen supply of cells. The result: smooth, firm skin full of life!

Nutritive active ingredients: sea-buckthorn and primula are nutritive active agents that have been known and used with predilection for millennia. Bisabolol and provitamin B5 (D-panthenol) have calming and regenerating effects. Green tea is an excellent antioxidant, which promotes the defense of skin against free radicals.

Special application: for maximum effects, it is highly important to introduce the active agents to the cells with proper technique. Problem areas require special massage-treatment. Apply twice daily (in the morning and in the evening), possibly after shower. Massage it vigorously into the problem area with circulatory movements, increasing absorption and congestion by doing so. Before application, alternating cold-warm shower, rubbing with loofah sponge (or with a rough towel), sauna, infrasauna may also boost the beneficial effects of the cream.

Recommended period of external treatment
As for all every lasting success, treating cellulite requires due determination and persistence. Even if we lead an adequate way of life and apply the proper treatment, the process may last as long as 3-6 months, moreover we should not forget that in case of susceptibility post-treatment and maintaining treatment may be required.

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