Global offer - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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Global offer

Some of the Calivita products are not available in some countries such as Poland

these products from the Calivita foreign offer can be ordered several ways:

If we are not in the Calivita club products from global offer can be ordered via:

Pharmavita World (foreign shipping from Calivita Rotterdam, prices in EUR)

2. If you're in the club or want to join Calivita and purchase cheaper:

Each club member receives a club card
in starter kit with an individual membership number that allows to shop at club prices (33% cheaper), this number also gives access to the all Calivita products.

Orders for products from
the Calivita global offer can be send to the e-mail address given in each Calivita price list (each Calivita club member receives the price list in starter kit together with first order).

To join the Calivita club simply place an order for a minimum amount on one of the websites offering products in club prices. List of websites where you can place an order for products Calivita is located in section Calivita on-line shops

Copyright 2015 Pharmavita. All rights reserved.
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