Acidophilus - Friendly assistance - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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Acidophilus - Friendly assistance



100 capsules

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Viable Lactobacillus acidophilus

2 billion

Plantago ovata seed mucilage

100 mg


supports the proper functioning of the digestive tract


Adults: as a dietary supplement take 1 capsule daily, or as directed.

For children: 1 capsule daily, on emtpy stomach, or as directed

Acidophilus - food supplement
product available in the Calivita global network

The delicate balance of the intestinal flora can easily be impaired by an unhealthy way of life, alcohol consumption, antibiotic therapy etc.. CaliVita’s AC-Zymes and Acidophilus are made with Lb. acidophilus, which is one of the most popular probiotic strains contributing to the healthy functioning of the digestive and immune system.

There is a very large number of microrogansims in the gastrointestinal tract, that are collectively referred to as “intestinal flora”. These “probiotic” organisms are absolutely vital for proper functioning of the colon, and a healthy digestive system. The function and equilibrium of the intestinal flora, however, is very sensitive and may be easily impaired or upset due to a variety of unhealthy influences. These influences may include medications (especially antibiotics), alcohol consumption, indigestion, food additives, environmental pollution, the effects of stress (eg: travel diarrhea), or the multiplication of unwanted or harmful intestinal bacteria due to illness, stress, or diet.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is an especially resistant and beneficial bacterium. It can live as long as 10 days or more in the digestive system, and it tends to create an unfavorable environment for different harmful pathogens such as clostridiums, coli bacteria, or fungi. It may promote the utilization of milk proteins, amino acids, fats and lactose, and assists in the synthesis of B vitamins. Lactobacillus acidophilus helps provide support for a healthy digestive system, by helping to maintain the normal bacterium flora of the alimentary canal.

Psyllium is a fiber derived from the seeds of Plantago ovata. Fiber is very beneficial for the digestive tract as it binds with undigested waste products in the intestine and helps eliminate them. As well, fiber acts like a sponge, absorbing water and thereby many of the harmful substances which may be present in the digestive tract such as toxins, heavy metals, bile acids,  fats and cholesterol. A high fiber diet also helps preserve the health of the cardiovascular system.


  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.

  • If you are taking medication or other dietary supplements, there should be a minimum two-hour interval between taking those, and taking Acidophilus with Psyllium

  • In case of any kind of gastrointestinal discomfort, condition or disease (eg: diarrhea, ulcers, Crohn’s disease) seek qualified medical advice before taking the product.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Acidophilus, Acidophilus with Psyllium, Calivita, intestinal bacteria, probiotics, psyllium grandmother


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