VeinProteX - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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60 tablets

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Vitamin C

250 mg

MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane)

150 mg

Oligomeric proanthocyanidine complex
(out of grape seed extract)

100 mg

Ginger extract
(st. 40% gingerol)

66.6 mg

(st. 95% curcuminoids)

50 mg

Hesperidin complex

15 mg


supports proper functioning of the blood vessels, reduces the feeling of heavy legs.


1-2 tablets daily, before meals.

VeinProteX - food supplement

product available in the Calivita global network

After long bouts of standing or sitting many people experience heavy legs, pain or swelling. For many of them many hours standing and sitting is a concomitant of their profession (teachers, hairdressers, surgeons, office workers, etc.) and VeinProteX may offer great help, as it is specifically developed for supporting the health of veins.

Following permanent standing or sitting many people experience heavy legs, pain or swelling. For many of them many hours standing and sitting is a concomitant of their profession (teachers, hairdressers, surgeons, office workers etc.) The formula VeinProteX may offer help in this problem, as especially it is developed for supporting the health of veins.

We spend most of our lives on our feet; consequently we (should) pay extra attention to the health of our legs. It is not a mere esthetic question; prolonged strain may significantly wear our legs, the first signs of which are swelling, pain and feeling of heaviness in legs. The complaints may be increased by overweight, or inadequate (however often fashionable) footwear.  
We would not even think how hard our veins work on a daily basis. They must pump low oxygenated blood upward against gravity, in the direction of our heart. The daily amount of this may reach as much as 7000 liters.
We can support the health of our veins with many practical things, which characteristically should be applied externally (cold baths, massages, propping up legs), but people usually resort to them only in case of already developed complaints. The use of these is unquestionable, but we should think as well of prevention. The active agents of VeinProteX support the health and healthy functioning of veins.

Grape seed is the basis of the formula supporting the health of veins. Its polyphenolic components (for example oligomeric proanthocyanidins, compare OPC) may promote the protection of cells against the damaging effects of free radicals. Hesperidin complex and vitamin C have antioxidant effect. The latter, besides its many other beneficial effects participates in maintaining the normal structure of blood vessels. In addition to the above, it contains the extract of two other precious plants, ginger and turmeric.


  • The formula cannot be a substitute for medical consultation and treatment. In the case of venous illnesses seek medical advice!

  • In the case of applying the formula during pregnancy and nursing, please seek medical advice!

  • For best results, a cure of at least 3-months cure is recommended.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: VeinProteX, Calivita, heavy legs, veins


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