VitalWoman - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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60 tablets

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Damiana Leaf

100 mg

Suma root

100 mg

Catuaba Berries

25 mg

Maca Root

100 mg

Sarsaparilla Root

50 mg

Saw Palmetto Berry

50 mg

Unicorn Root

25 mg

Guarana extract (std. 22% caff.)

100 mg


mature woman dietary supplement, plant ingredients improving the functioning of the woman's body also during menopause


Adults: for best results take 1-2 tablets daily, or as directed.

VitalWoman - food supplement

product available in the Calivita global network

The formula contains herbs that have been used in popular medicine for centuries, and are high in vitamins and minerals; their other active agents effectively support the healthy, vital processes of the female body.

Several South American shrubs, such as damiana, catauba, and maca(sometimes referred to as “Peruvian ginseng”), have been used for thousands of years by indigenous people of the Amazonian basin to help enhance sexual desire. Modern science has discovered that these plants contain many essential oils, plant sterols, and unique alkaloids that may account for their reported enhancing effect on sexual vitality and performance. Guarana contains the stimulant caffeine, which may have a positive influence on stamina and physical performance. Unicorn root contains a saponin that is a precursor to the female hormone estrogen. Another plant that may provide nutritional support for normal, healthy estrogen levels issuma (Pfaffia paniculata).


  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.

  • This product contains stimulants. As such, you should not take it if you have high blood pressure, any kind of cardiovascular condition, if you suffer from hypertension or headaches, or have trouble sleeping. If you are not sure, consult with your doctor before taking this product.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: VitalWoman, Calivita, vitamins for women


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