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Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (std. 24% flavonglycosides, 6 % terpenes)

90 mg


Ginkgo biloba is recommended for older people (supports proper functioning of the brain), overworked and complaining of cold limbs. Moreover Ginkgo biloba is an antioxidant, the active ingredients may protect cells from damage by free radicals.


Take 1-2 tablets daily

Ginkgo XC - food supplement
product available in the Calivita global network

Ginkgo XC is a high potency formula containing 90mg of Ginkgo biloba extract to support normal blood flow and brain function. Ginkgo extract also provides strong antioxidant properties to protect our cells from free radicals.

Ginkgo biloba is one of the most ancient trees of Earth history. Despite it happened not earlier than in the 17th century that it became widely known in the Western world (the first sapling, which is still alive, was planted in 1730 in the Netherlands), it is becoming more and more popular. Due to its excellent health benefits, today it is one of the most widely sold herbs.

Ginkgo biloba is one of the most ancient trees of Earth history. Despite it happened not earlier than in the 17th century that it became widely known in the Western world (the first sapling, which is still alive, was planted in 1730 in the Netherlands), it is becoming more and more popular. Due to its excellent health benefits, today it is one of the most widely sold herbs. Ginkgo biloba is a deciduous tree, which is the only subsisting species of the branch Ginkgophytae. It may have developed approximately 200 million years ago, in the stone age of Earth history; therefore it is often referred to as a living fossil. It is unique in plant kingdom, it has no close relatives.

Ginkgo is indigenous to China, but thanks to its popularity, it is widely spread all over the world. It has subsisted almost unchanged for 150 million years, which can be ascribed to the fact that in this area the climate remained temperate during and after ice-age. Later it survived owing to the care of the monks, as for its excellent health benefits they worshipped it as a sacred tree.

The active agents of ginkgo biloba can be divided in two groups: flavonoids and terpenes. The most important active agents of the flavonoid group are kempferol and quercetin. From among the active agents belonging to the terpene group ginkgolid and bilobalid are the most significant. The two latter substances can be found exclusively in this plant. The ginkgo flavonoids contribute to the normal functioning of circulatory system and adequate blood flow as well, consequently to the oxygen and nutrient supply of cells. Therefore it is especially recommended in elderly age (for maintaining the optimal level of brain function), in case of overstrain, or for persons experiencing frequent coldness of limbs. Moreover ginkgo is a powerful antioxidant, its active agents may offer help against the cell damaging effects of free radicals.


  • The formula is not recommended for children.

  • During pregnancy and nursing its  use should be avoided!

  • Patients who have diabetes or blood coagulation problems should consult their doctor before taking it!

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Ginkgo XC, Calivita, ginkgo biloba, Japanese Gingko


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