Low Deuterium Oxy Crystal - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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Low Deuterium Oxy Crystal



50 ml

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Purified low deuterium content water and high oxygen content water with stabilized oxygen


increase stamina, improve mood, increase concentration.


Mix 10 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day and drink.

Low Deuterium Oxy Crystal - food supplement

product available in the Calivita global network

Water and oxygen are essential to human life. Their importance is unquestionable; their physiological role is highly manifold and therefore it is indispensable to supply our body with them in adequate amounts and quality. Due to environmental pollution we have less and less clear drinking water, while the oxygen content of air is continuously diminishing.

As the result of wastage and pollution we all witness nowadays, clear water is increasingly more scarce, to the extent that is becoming one of the most precious substances. Without water we cannot survive for more than 2-3 days. Most of the human body, cells- and body lymphs consist of water and the loss of the 10-15% of our water reserves can be fatal.

Almost half of the world’s inhabitants live in smoggy cities, in a low oxygen environment, while the oxygen demands of our body do not change. In other words we use more low oxygen content air in order to supply our body with adequate amounts of oxygen and the demand during physical activity grows even more. Oxygen, just like water, is vital for us. Oxygen helps the body to rebuild and maintain a strong and healthy immune system, and cells also need oxygen and nutrients to renew themselves.

Low Deuterium Oxy Crystal ® is a magnetically structured, low deuterium content water concentrate, enriched with stabilized oxygen. Its well-ordered, structured physical construction may help to increase energy and oxygen and via the structural changes of the water that can be found in the body may contribute to the harmony of the physical and chemical processes taking place in the body.

Magnetically structured water may offer effective help in fighting pathogens and may strengthen the immune system. Through the magnetic treatment of water the beneficial properties can be transferred to other liquids as well, by which we can obtain the structured, liquid, crystallized state of water found in our cells, which may offer help in preserving our health.

Stabilized oxygen enhances the oxygen supply of cells, boosts metabolism, fills the body with energy, promotes the absorption and utilization of vitamins, minerals, herbs and increases athletic performance.
The low deuterium contents of water may slow down cell division processes, in other words the “aging” of the body and simultaneously the probability of faulty cell division may also be decreased. Routine consumption of low deuterium content water energized by stabilized oxygen may contribute to the detoxification of the body as well.

CaliVita ® Low Deuterium Oxy Crystal ®, a magnetically structured, low deuterium content water concentrate, enriched with stabilized oxygen has beneficial effects on the oxygen supply of blood and cells, thereby increasing the performance of the body, ensuring a pleasant feeling and increasing concentration abilities.


  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Low Deuterium Oxy Crystal, Calivita


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