OxyMax ® - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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OxyMax ®



60 ml

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Stabilized oxygen molecules in spring water


increases the supply of oxygen to the cells, improves metabolic processes. Increased oxygen supply may have a positive effect on physical activity, such as athletes.


Mix 20 drops of OxyMax in 2-2,5 dcl of fluid and drink.

OxyMax ® - food supplement

product available in the Calivita global network

Without oxygen, human life is impossible. Our body can function harmoniously, in a balanced way only if cells receive adequate amounts of oxygen. If for some reason cells get less oxygen than necessary, the energy-producing processes that guarantee vital functions are damaged. OxyMax® may effectively help the oxygen supply of cells.

We all know oxygen is vital for life, being an indispensable component of the process whereby our cells produce energy. Typically our bodies obtain this oxygen through the air we breathe, but ever-increasing carbon dioxide emissions and other forms of pollution may mean that air in urban centers may have a reduced oxygen content. OxyMax contains molecules of highly bioavailable stabilized oxygen, and, by entering the blood through the digestive system, it is intended to help support oxygen levels in the metabolism.

As oxygen supply to the cells is necessary for the utilizations of nutrients and the production of energy, enhanced oxygen supply may be beneficial for supporting athletic performance and other forms of physical activity. Oxygen also assists in the scavenging of free radicals. Some scientist regard cell damage cause by free radicals as one of the root causes of aging.

Increased oxygen supply may help support the immune system as pathogenic microbes can often be anaerobic. This means that they require an environment devoid of oxygen in order to survive and multiply. The presence of oxygen can actually kill such microbes.


  • This product should only be used diluted according to the instructions.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Oxymax, oxygen, stabilized oxygen


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