URX - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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90 tablets

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150 mg

Cranberry Fruit Extract
(std. 30% polyphenols)

100 mg

Common Nettle Leave Extract (std. 1% silica acid)

100 mg

Bearberry Leave Extract (4:1)

100 mg

Buchu Leaf Extract (4:1)

30 mg

Vitamin C

20 mg

Watercress Extract (4:1)

17 mg


dysfunction and light urinary tract infections


2-4 tablets daily

URX - food supplement

product available in the Calivita global network

URX is a formula developed especially to the internal support of urinary tracts which active ingredients – have been known and used with predilection in traditional medicine for centuries – may offer help in situations when supporting the urinary system is highly recommended.

In healthy people the urinary system is usually sterile, so its functioning seems almost “natural”. However in some people urinary infections occur more frequently, for which the reason can be a simple “susceptibility”, or inadequate clothing, or regularly attendance at  places with higher risk of infection such as swimming pools.

The protection of our urinary tracts may be especially important, however we do not give it  much thought. Some people consider catching a chill as an almost ordinary thing, which if it is not cured adequately, may develop into a serious illness.

Of course our primary goal is prevention. Through the adequate intake of liquid, layered clothing appropriate to the weather, increased levels of hygiene, as in public baths, avoiding sitting on cold surfaces and regularly visiting the lavatory, we ourselves can do much for the health of our urinary tracts. Furthermore, from now on it is also possible to apply URX internal protection.


  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: URX, Calivita, urinary tract infection, UTI, cranberries, nettle, watercress, buchu leaves


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