VirAgo - Pharmavita - Natural supplements Calivita International

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90 tablets


Olive Leaf Extract (std. 15% oleuropein)

80 mg


80 mg

Echinacea Root Extract (std. 3.5% echinacosides)

25 mg

Cat's Claw Bark Extract (std. 4% oxindole alkaloids)

60 mg

Pau d'Arco Bark (4:1) (std. 3% alkaloids)

30 mg


10 mg


Virago ingredients:
- Strengthen the immune system,
Inhibit proliferation mechanism of infected cells,
Have activity against viral, bacterial and fungal infections,
- Perfect for allergy
- Effectively stimulate immune cells to produce natural antiviral substances, which is interferon,
- Particularly effective in inhibiting the growth of herpes virus and influenza virus.


Take one capsule three times daily or as directed.

VirAgo - food supplement

VirAgo, due to its composition, effectively supports the healthy functioning of our immune system. We recommend it for those who wish to have a more complex defense, or often face situations in which our body needs assistance.

The body has a natural tendency to counteract disruptive influences and bring the metabolism back to a healthy state of balance. This normal, healthy state of functioning is called homeostasis. One of the most important tools the body uses to facilitate and ensure homeostasis is the immune system. The immune system has the task of dealing with the strongest disruptive influences on homeostasis. A strong immune system is therefore vital for robust health. CaliVita ® Virago contains natural, herbal ingredients that are intended to help provide nutritional support for a strong immune system.

Records indicate that olive tree leaves have been used for health care purposes for thousands of years. Aside from being rich in antioxidants, and helping to lower low density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad” cholesterol) in the bloodstream, some studies have indicated that olive leaf may inhibit pathogens from replicating. The amino acid lysine helps support the body’s production of antibodies.Echinacea, a member of the aster family, contains several polyphenols that are thought to help support the immune system in warding off infections. Studies have been encouraging enough that echinacea is a common ingredient in many cold remedies. Studies have indicated evidence that the alkaloids, tannins and phytochemicals in cat’s claw, a South American vine, help support the production and activity of the lymph cells, and the overall optimum functioning of the immune system. It may also have exhibited some antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. The bark of the South American tree Pau D’Arco contains over 20 active compounds, and some tests have indicated that some of these compounds may have antibiotic, and antifungal effects. Zinc provides nutritional support for the healthy functioning of the immune system, and participates in normal cell division.


  • Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before taking any supplement.

  • Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing.

  • This product is not intended to treat, prevent or influence any infections, disease or medical condition. If you have any kind of health problem, consult with a qualified medical practitioner.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.

  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Virago, Calivita, resistance, viruses, bacteria, fungi, herpes, influenza


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